ipcom GmbH is a sister company of the Austrian domain registry nic.at and was founded in 2005. In the beginning, ipcom's field of activity was telephony & services with products for Voice over IP as well as DNS services for top-level domain registries. In recent years, ipcom GmbH has specialized in Anycast services for TLDs, Internet Service Providers and Enterprises with it's product RcodeZero DNS, which was realized by the technical department of nic.at.
More than 20 years experience in the industry.
We have been certified according to ISO 27001:2013 since 2014.
Individual and personal consulting is very important to us.
Through constant development.
Below you will find downloads from our former section Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) for MS Windows with the SIPTAPI and HTTPAPI.
HTTPTAPI is a TAPI Service Provider (TSP) for MS Windows. HTTPTAPI enables you to map the dial requests of TAPI applications (e.g. MS Outlook) to HTTP request. The HTTP target (the URL) can be configured flexible, allowing adaption to various web-services.
Enables computer-assisted telephony with an IP-capable telephone system. Initiate VoIP (voice over IP) phone calls with the SIPTAPI from any TAPI application (MS Outlook, Windows dialer, ...).
ipcom GmbH
Karlsplatz 1/2/9
1010 Vienna
Phone: +43/1/2940040–510
E-Mail: office@ipcom.at
Website: www.ipcom.at
Company register
Company register number: FN 257847m
Company register court: Handelsgericht Wien
VAT-Nr.: ATU61437216
Controlling institution: Magistratisches Bezirksamt des I. Bezirkes
Associated chamber: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich
Industrial regulations: Gewerbeordnung
Business type: information technology services
Bank account
UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Account-Nr.: 50671149901
IBAN: AT06 1200 0506 7114 9901
Layable to: ipcom GmbH
ipcom GmbH is a sister company of nic.at, the Austrian domain registry.
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